Sunday, March 15, 2009

This is a 'real' test: I hope it will provide evidence of the existence of other minds!

Revise the folowing for the appallingly tiresome philosophy test on Monday 16th March:

  1. Direct realism
  2. The problems of: perceptual variation / relativity.
  3. Indirect /representative realism.
  4. Sceptical questions (external world / other minds)
  5. The relevance of the argument from physics.
  6. The time lag argument
  7. The argument from causal dependency
  8. Primary and secondary qualities: (how Locke and Russell are representative realists, but in different ways.
  9. What is meant by the notion of an object being mind-independent.
  10. What is meant by the idea that sense data are mind-dependent.

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